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Showing posts from December, 2018

When He Stops Calling

You can certainly judge a relationship by the frequency of phone calls. When you’re seeing him as much as you want to; when he’s regularly initiating contact; when you feel cherished and appreciated, then you know things are going well. If the calls start becoming much less frequent – or worse, if the calls completely stop – then you have an entirely different situation on your hands. Something is definitely wrong. Your man is either losing interest in you, or gaining interest in someone else, or both. When your man stops calling you and emailing you as he was before, it’s a bad feeling. It’s also a reality that must be faced and diagnosed accurately, if you want the best chance for restoring the closeness you had with the man you have been dating. But women often do not want to see their man’s behavior for what it is. I'll tell you more in tomorrow's post. You can read much more in my book Calling Men - The Complete Guide to Calling and Texting the Men You Date With